Monday, July 28, 2008

"I'm not going to marry him if he doesn't wear a shirt"

So today Jack and Ellie got all dressed up and decided they were going to marry each other. They put on their finest and got married, gave each other a quick kiss and then danced the night away.

They were never more fabulous in their princess dresses. Yes, I said dresses. They both wore dresses.

After the first "ceremony" they decided they need another one. However, this time Jack decided to go sans dress and wear just a pair of shorts.

To this, Ellie objected. She was not going to proceed with the wedding if he wasn't wearing a shirt.

Apparently she sees no problem getting married to her brother while he is wearing a dress, but go without a shirt and it is suddenly taboo.

Now of course their dad didn't want any documentation of his son wearing a dress, and naturally I ran as fast as I could for my camera.


Sarah Pierce said...

LOL!! Yesterday, Dan worked late and the kids were bored. Madeline was dressing up Micah in bows and headbands. I went to grab my camera phone and just as I went to snap, Micah stuck a finger up his nose. I sent the photo to Dan's phone and wrote "This is what happens when Daddy works late."

Anonymous said...

I've been worried about Jack lately. What about nail polish? Has that become a problem yet? ;)

Gen said...


Owen has been getting dressed up lately too- its a hoot!

Unknown said...


Sandra said...

OH MY the blackmail you have... ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!