Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Madelyn Mae just 4 days old

My good buddy, Brendan, got a new cousin 4 days ago. So off we went to meet Madelyn today and take her pictures. Can you believe...I took ZB along and then forgot to include him in the pictures?!?! He is NOT happy with me. Oh sure he enjoyed his first road trip, sitting shotgun upside down in a basket underneath my camera bag, but he really was hoping to get in the pictures.

I am sure I'll be hearing about this for days, if not weeks. Get over it, ZB.

Now back to Maddy. She is just adorable, but boy oh boy, did she ever not want to sleep for pictures. You forget how tiny babies can be and how good it feels to cuddle with them. You also forget your complete inability to get a baby to sleep. I could never get my own to sleep, not sure why I thought I could work some magic on somebody else's child.

Congratulations Alicia and Kevin, she sure is beautiful.

Friday, November 21, 2008

If it walks like a duck, and talks like a duck....

then it is not a deer.
Oh dear, Zacharias Buddy (ZB for short) what have you done?!?!

Oh here it is upon us. Tomorrow is the opening day of gun deer hunting season. 9 days of blaze orange bliss. For some.

9 days of no husband at home. 9 days (27 meals) that I must make. 9 days of not being able to say, "go ask your Dad." I could go on but I wouldn't want anyone to think that I am not going to enthusiastically enjoy the next 216 hours that my children and I will spend together, completely on our own, with no breaks, no moments of peace, no "oh you take over." Well, you get my point.
And nothing brings a 9 day 24 hour stretch to a more peaceful ending than a trip to the cabin for 5 days for a personal hunting trip. Alone. Without your wife and kids. You know, the ones that have been in survival mode for the previous 10 days?

Some guys have all the luck.

ZB says be safe hunters and be kind to your game wardens!

Monday, November 17, 2008

And the Winner is...drum roll please...

Santa Gnome is so happy to finally have a name.

After much deliberation, candy eating and coke drinking, I have named the gnome. ZACHARIAS BUDDY.
What?!?! That's not Scandinavian you say!

Well, here's my justification:

1. Look how cute those kids are!
2. Kids trump big people almost all the time.
3. Red hair. How can anyone resist it?
4. How much thought did Mad's put into that??!?! I mean she thought he looked old and wise and then came up with a very old & wise name.
5. If you have new buddy, shouldn't you call him buddy? Can't argue Micah's 4 year old reasoning.

Good job Madeline & Micah and thank you for giving my new friend the perfect name.

As soon as Auntie Suzie gets back from Sweden (in about 2 weeks) you will have your prize. I'm excited to see what she finds you. It's bound to be good.

Photo Courtesy of Sarah Pierce Photography

Sunday, November 16, 2008

A pinch of Salt, a dash of Pepper

Apparently,Gnome did not care too much for the dart to the head.

"Your goose is cooked," I heard from the kitchen. At least I don't have to cook tonite. There is no better news than that.

Can't we all just get along?

Saturday, November 15, 2008

We lived next door to him for years, he kinda kept to himself

I guess I should have known this would happen. You always take that risk when you welcome new members into your family.

He's always been so quiet, just sititng on the table by the front door minding his own business. Never heard so much as a quack out of him.

The duck is not happy.

Friday, November 14, 2008

You want to be where everybody Gnomes your name

Santa Gnome is sad. He feels so anonymous and I really think he needs a name.

My good friend, April, so nicely informed me that garden gnomes originated in Scandinavia so I think that is it only fitting that he gets a nice, strong Scandinavian name.

So, please help him have an identity. Give him a name. Maybe I will even try to figure out a prize for the person who suggests the best name.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

You think you gnome me, but you don't.

So there is about 128 days left until spring. I'm ready for it. I have started my hibernation. Sadly, I am only about 1 week into it and I am bored already.

Yesterday, I ran to Target and got a new friend. I am hoping he keeps me entertained all winter. Just for fun, if I am feeling quirky, I might have a little photo journalism if you will with my new BFF.

You never gnome when he will turn up. For now, we just wish it would stop raining and we could see the sun again.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Really? You didn't want that to go bad?

So my neighbors (kind hearted as they may be) both went out of town. She to Texas for a week and He to North Dakota. As does anyone that will be away from home for awhile, they wisely cleaned out their fridge to avoid rotten food on their arrival back home.

Now, we apparently were designated the recipients of said food. I walk into my kitchen to find that we have been bequeathed a half empty 2 liter bottle of caffeine free diet coke (what's the point of that beverage really? If you are going to deny yourself the sugar, at least give yourself a jolt of caffeine), a tomato, and a red pepper. A very shriveled, sponge-like red pepper. I think the pepper was a day away from becoming a raisin. Well, a praisin if you will.

Now, I am all for not wasting food. In fact, you will rarely see a chip, cookie or candy bar be spared on my watch. But people. People, people, people, it's OK to toss your pruned-up peppers. In fact, I encourage it. And I know, I know....there are starving people in this world that would be more than happy to eat sponge-bob pepper pants, but I am not one of them.

Funny how there was no concern that their ice cream would get freezer burned. Not that I would wish that on anyone. I'm just sayin'.

Friday, October 17, 2008

I guess I'm not all that cool and amusing

Brendan came to visit this week. He just turned the big ONE and of course we needed some pictures for that big occasion.
Now I have often thought that I'm a little bit funny. At the very least, I am a big enough dork that I can at least elicit a wee bit of a smile. I would even take a slight upward turn of the lip as proof that I am entertaining.
Well, apparently not so much. As a matter of fact, Brendan didn't find me the least bit entertaining. Something tells me that when he starts talking he is going to tell me that I am old and I dress funny too.
If this face doesn't tell you "get out of my face dork," I don't know what does.

I guess I won't say that anymore

Uggggg....I hate tattling. It really gets on my nerves. Ellie and Jack love to bicker with each other. In fact, I think they thrive on it. Well, Jack does anyways. He is very good at getting under his sister's skin and then doing his best to stay there.

So, naturally, as a result of them going at it all the time, I hear a LOT of tattling. My canned response is usually, "Do you need a Dr? Should we go to the hospital? Are you going to live? Well, then you are fine."

So, I'm driving Jack and his little buddy, Hayden, home from preschool the other day. Jack had something of Haydens that he wanted back. So, Jack tossed it over to Hayden. Apparently, Hayden thought the proper thing to do would have been for Jack to hand it to him, so pretty soon I get, "Juuuuuuuuuuulie, Jack threw that at me."

Next thing I hear is, "Do you need a doctor? Do you need surgery? Do you have a nail coming out of your head (I have yet to use that one...)? No? Well then you are fine."

Nothing I could do but just turn the radio up to drown out my laughter.

Gotta love that little turkey.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Let's Just Cut them off from the Outside World Now.

How ever do kids pick up on things that you didn't even know they were exposed to?

All of a sudden Ellie is running around saying "I kissed a girl and I like it." Never to be outdone, Jack naturally replies with "I kissed a boy and I like it." I tried to convince them it was "I kicked the dog and I liked it." No takers on that one. Not even Jack. I know, right?

So today we are driving in the car listening to Radio Disney (no girl on girl songs there I tell ya). Ellie tells Jack that she likes the Jonas Brother, Miley Cyrus and Demi Lavato.

Jack tells her that she should not like them because "they are drunk drivers." What??? Ellie defended her teen idols by explaining to him that they don't even drink beer." Jacks reply? "Dude, they drunk drive."

I think we need the itsy bitsy spider back on our water spout, pronto.

(on a side note, while typing this I told Jack he could not have another Popsicle. In his whining disappointment he asked "What kind of woman are you?")

Did I mention that school starts next Tuesday? Go ahead, rate my level of joy.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Are you ready?!??!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008.

Mark your calendar, bitches, 90210 is BACK!!

I am so overjoyed I could pee myself. Kelly's back, Brenda's Back. There are rumors of the return of Brendan and Dylan. Oh please tell me there will be a Peach Pit.

Now only if I lived close to my girls, we could resume our 90210 parties! Best day ever I tell you, best day ever!

Monday, July 28, 2008

"I'm not going to marry him if he doesn't wear a shirt"

So today Jack and Ellie got all dressed up and decided they were going to marry each other. They put on their finest and got married, gave each other a quick kiss and then danced the night away.

They were never more fabulous in their princess dresses. Yes, I said dresses. They both wore dresses.

After the first "ceremony" they decided they need another one. However, this time Jack decided to go sans dress and wear just a pair of shorts.

To this, Ellie objected. She was not going to proceed with the wedding if he wasn't wearing a shirt.

Apparently she sees no problem getting married to her brother while he is wearing a dress, but go without a shirt and it is suddenly taboo.

Now of course their dad didn't want any documentation of his son wearing a dress, and naturally I ran as fast as I could for my camera.

"I suppose it's not acceptable to beat your children in the Dr's office"

When you feel compelled to ask this of the nurse, you just know things are not going well.

Now I know my children are not perfect nor are they angels. Believe me, I know. We take them out in public often. They are kind of like dogs; they need socialization. Most of the time, they are pretty well behaved when we go places. A few reprimands and corrections are needed here and there but for the most part they do us proud in public.

Today, not so much. I was prepared for this easy visit. Ellie's 6 year old well child check up and a quick follow up for me. I promised lunch out if they were good, a trip to the pet store to look at the kitties and good times all around. I took their leapsters so they had something to occupy their time. We had books to read. We talked about good behavior before getting out of the car.

Then we got out of the car. I should have never left the tranquility of the car. I won't get into details, no one needs to hear about the carnage. Let's just say, I was mortified, about ready to pop a vein out the side of my head and completely shocked that my blood pressure remained low.

I mean, it can't be a good sign when the nurse says, "Well, at least they don't raise your blood pressure."

Did I mention I was mortified? The doctor, in all of her kindness did tell me I had beautiful children. All the while I am thinking, "at least they have their looks."

As part of her routine questions & observations she said Ellie showed no signs of abuse. To which I responded, "check back tomorrow." At this point, I'll hope she recognized my sense of humor.

So, we're home. They are grounded for 2 days. Which means they are inside the house, no friends over, no going to friend's houses, no TV, no Wii or computer games.

What have I just done to myself??!?!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

He grabs hold of your heart.....and then he steps on it

So Dodd has the kids (especially Jack) hooked on the Star Wars Movies. They can't get enough of them. I, on the other hand, am looking for sharp sticks to poke in my eyes.

Well, as if I couldn't get more fortunate, we have the entire series on the DVR. Never ending fun right there.

So tonight, we are all sitting on the couch watching one or another of them (one of us is reading a book.....guess who?) and there is a part where young Anakin (?) is going to leave his mother to go off with some other dude to train to become whatever it is that they become. (See how much I love these shows and how closely I pay attention?)

Jack wants to know if Anakin is going to leave his mother and says, "if he leaves his mom, I might cry."

Now, this in of itself could be a heart tugger in Jack world because he would just as well pelt you with the Nerf gun than hug ya, but wait....there's more.

He then tells me, "I will never leave you mommy. Wherever you go, I will go with you....."

.....wait for it.....

"unless Daddy is home. Then I'll just stay home with him and you can leave."

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Keri....It's Your Turn!

Ever know one of those people who talk smack? You know, those you "dare" you to do something and then promise that their turn is next.

So, do they make these promises and grand offers because they are so certain that you won't hold up your end of the deal meaning that they will never have to step up either?

Well, sometimes you just have to jump right in and force their hand.

Keri, my dear, sweet friend, it's your turn. We're all waiting.

Meet Jenna

Meet Jenna, my sassy 3 year old neighbor. She's full of spunk. Just the way I like 'em.